Developer Documentation

No Nonsense includes hooks to allow developers to extend or modify its functionality.


No Nonsense works with functions in two ways:

Settings are functions that use existing hooks (actions and filters) in WordPress core (or optionally in your theme or other plugins), and are executed whenever those hooks are called.

Utilities are functions that appear in the list at the top of the No Nonsense admin page, and that are executed manually when selected.


The filters available in No Nonsense include:


This filter allows you to manipulate the array of Settings functions defined by No Nonsense. You can add your own functions or remove built-in functions that you do not want to make available.

Removing a Setting

To remove a setting, unset it in the array. The array keys are the names of the functions, listed under Built-in Setting Names below.

add_filter('r34nono_define_settings_array', function($settings) {
	return $settings;

Adding a Setting

To add your own setting, append information about it to the settings array. This is done by adding a subarray whose key is the name of your function, containing the following:

  • title (string) — The title to display on the admin page.
  • description (string) — Descriptive text to display under the help icon.
  • hook_type (string) — Either action or filter depending on how your function should run.
  • hook (string) — The name of an existing hook (action or filter) on which your function should run, e.g. init.
  • options (array) — Optional. An array of sub-options to create a set of checkboxes on the admin page. If you use this, the data stored in wp_options for this setting will be an array of the keys from this array, with boolean values for whether or not the box is checked. (By default, the data stored is a simple boolean.) Your function will need to iterate through the array to handle each sub-option appropriately. Examine the r34nono_remove_head_tags() function for example usage.
  • priority (integer) — The priority number for the hook, e.g. 10.
  • pn (integer) — The number of input parameters your function accepts. (Since these functions are being handled by hooks, the input parameters of your function should match what the hook expects.)
  • cb (string) — Optional. The name of an existing function to run instead of using this node's key as the name of the function. Example: r34nono_remove_admin_email_check_interval and r34nono_remove_front_end_edit_links use the built-in __return_false function, rather than having functions of their own.
  • group (string) — The group (heading) on the admin page that this function should appear under. You can use one of the existing headings or create your own.
  • show_in_admin (boolean) — Whether or not this setting should appear on the admin page. If you intend to hardcode a value for any of the settings, you'll want to set this to false.
add_filter('r34nono_define_settings_array', function($settings) {
	$settings['my_function_name'] = array(
		'title' => 'My function',
		'description' => 'This is what my function does.',
		'hook_type' => 'action',
		'hook' => 'init',
		'priority' => 10,
		'pn' => 0,
		'group' => 'My Custom Heading',
		'show_in_admin' => true,
	return $settings;

Hardcoding a Setting

If you want to hardcode a setting, simply set its value first, and then use this filter to change its show_in_admin value to false.

The value can be set in one of three ways:

  1. On the No Nonsense admin page, before creating your filter that hides it
  2. On the hidden options.php admin page
  3. Using the update_option() function in your theme or plugin

For optimal performance, your code should be written to avoid running update_option() more often than necessary, e.g. by placing the code inside an activation hook.

Built-in Setting Names

The following is a list of the built-in Settings function names, which are also their keys in the wp_options table. The stored values are booleans indicating whether or not the option is turned on. Their names closely match their titles on the admin screen.

Note: Settings that have an options sub-array result in two records being written to wp_options: the setting name itself is stored as a boolean (for whether or not the main option is turned on), and a second record with _options appended to the key contains an array of the sub-options (each of which is a boolean). This second record is stored regardless of whether or not the main record's boolean is true or false; however, if the main record is false (i.e. the option is turned off), none of the sub-array options will be active on the site. However, since they are stored in wp_options, they will automatically be applied again if the main option is turned back on.

  • r34nono_admin_bar_logout_link
  • r34nono_auto_core_update_send_email_only_on_error
  • r34nono_core_upgrade_skip_new_bundled
    (Omitted if CORE_UPGRADE_SKIP_NEW_BUNDLED constant is already set.)
  • r34nono_disable_site_search
  • r34nono_disallow_file_edit
    (Omitted if DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT constant is already set.)
  • r34nono_disallow_full_site_editing
  • r34nono_hide_admin_bar_for_logged_in_non_editors
  • r34nono_limit_admin_elements_for_logged_in_non_editors
  • r34nono_login_replace_wp_logo_link
  • r34nono_prevent_block_directory_access
  • r34nono_redirect_admin_to_homepage_for_logged_in_non_editors
    (+ r34nono_redirect_admin_to_homepage_for_logged_in_non_editors_options array)
  • r34nono_remove_admin_color_scheme_picker
  • r34nono_remove_admin_email_check_interval
  • r34nono_remove_admin_wp_logo
  • r34nono_remove_attachment_pages
  • r34nono_remove_comments_from_admin
  • r34nono_remove_comments_from_front_end
  • r34nono_remove_dashboard_widgets
    (+ r34nono_remove_dashboard_widgets_options array)
  • r34nono_remove_default_block_patterns
  • r34nono_remove_duotone_svg_filters
  • r34nono_remove_edit_site
  • r34nono_remove_front_end_edit_links
  • r34nono_remove_global_styles
  • r34nono_remove_head_tags
    (+ r34nono_remove_head_tags_options array)
  • r34nono_remove_howdy
  • r34nono_remove_posts_from_admin
  • r34nono_remove_widgets_block_editor
  • r34nono_remove_wp_emoji
  • r34nono_xmlrpc_disabled
    (+ r34nono_xmlrpc_disabled_options array)


This filter allows you to manipulate the array of Utilities functions defined by No Nonsense. You can add your own utilities or remove built-in utilities that you do not want to make available.

Removing a Utility

To remove a utility, unset it in the array. The array keys are the names of the functions, listed under Built-in Utility Names below.

add_filter('r34nono_define_utilities_array', function($utilities) {
	return $utilities;

Adding a Utility

To add your own utility, append information about it to the utilities array. This is done by adding a subarray whose key is the name of your function, containing the following:

  • title (string) — The title to display on the admin page.
  • description (string) — Descriptive text to display under the help icon.
  • show_in_admin (boolean) — Whether or not this utility should appear on the admin page. (Note: At present, creating a utility that has this value set to false serves no functional purpose.)

Note: At present this feature does not accommodate functions that have any input parameters.

add_filter('r34nono_define_utilities_array', function($utilities) {
	$settings['my_function_name'] = array(
		'title' => 'My function',
		'description' => 'This is what my function does.',
		'show_in_admin' => true,
	return $utilities;

Built-in Utility Names

The following is a list of the built-in Utilities function names. Unlike the Settings functions, since these functions are only executed manually on the admin page, they do not have any corresponding data stored in the wp_options table.

  • r34nono_deactivate_and_delete_akismet
  • r34nono_deactivate_and_delete_hello_dolly
  • r34nono_delete_inactive_themes
    (Omitted if WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE constant is set to true.)
  • r34nono_delete_sample_content
  • r34nono_remove_default_tagline
  • r34nono_set_permalink_structure_to_postname